ploughing back
Standard Bank has shown us how to sustain a strong relationshio the clients and the service provider.The Bank donated R5250.00(five thousand two hundred and fiftyrand) on the 03 August 2012 to augment our school Nutrition Programme.Mr chris Warren (bank official)has gone an extra mile by volunteering his servises weekly to coach our boys in rugby within our school premisses.
The school has recieved a donation of R500.00(five hundred)after our students participated in a Metro Research Project conducted by Detttol officials on 16/10/2012
compiled by :C.N.Moloi(Admin clerkand fund raising Commitee Member)
the school renovation that was done as a result of surplus money budgeted by G.M and CHEVROLET UTE FORCE for our main project of FOOD GARDEN.created a conductive atmosphere and safe environment for teaching and learning to take place.both projects were managed and sourced by food garden foundation.Build it Greens Redlex Construction,builders trade Depot and other professionalswith a varietyof skills.the official handover that was done by our service provider and main sponsor General Motors/CHEVROLET,UTE FORCE ,the total cost of the project was R200.000(two hundred thousand rands)
complied by : N. Ntleki (SGB Chairperson)